Morning Coffee Biscuits - The Coffee Connect

Omg! The Best Morning Coffee Biscuits Ever!

Stuck on what coffee morning biscuits are the best? Don't worry we've got you.

What goes hand in hand with morning coffee? Biscuits. We will be looking at which are the best biscuits to have with your coffee as well as suggesting the best coffees too.

Lotus Biscoff Caramelised Biscuits

Coming in at number 1 is the Belgian Lotus Biscoff biscuits. Perfect to go along with any hot beverage this caramelised biscuit is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. It has a unique flavour and an iconic shape as well as a crunchy bite. It has been described as the 'Cup of coffee's best companion.'  
The Vietnam White Dragon Coffee. It has an amazing creamy texture & undertones of spices, chocolate & nuts. It goes very well with the Lotus Biscof biscuit when dunking it into your coffee. The mixture of spices, chocolate & nuts from the coffee soak into the sweet biscuit setting off the tingly sensations on your tongue. We couldn't recommend this one enough.
Morning Coffee Biscuits (Lotus Biscoff) - The Coffee Connect
Next on our list is the legendary Bourbon Creams Biscuit. This is a classic biscuit with a chocolate-flavoured filling sandwiched by two chocolate biscuits. It is crunchy & smooth, baked to perfection & it's irresistible to dunk in your coffee.  
The Brazilian Peaberry Coffee goes amazingly well with the Bourbon Cream Biscuit. The Natural flavours of chocolate and nuts mixed with the chocolaty cream sandwiched between the two chocolate biscuits... It just does something to the tastebuds in the morning.
Morning Coffee Biscuits (Bourbon Creams Biscuit) - The Coffee Connect

Shortbread Biscuits

If you've never had a Shortbread biscuit with your coffee you NEED to try it! This is a unique biscuit and the best biscuit for dunking in your coffee. It is traditionally a Scottish biscuit made from one part white sugar, and two parts butter with plain wheat flour.

The mild, mocha flavoured Brazilian Santos Coffee is excellent in the morning. It goes perfectly with our chosen morning coffee biscuit, the shortbread. The Shortbread biscuit is perfect for dunking in any coffee. However, the Brazil Santos coffee has a natural sweetness to it which works well with shortbread biscuits. Its the dry crumbly texture of the shortbread mixed with the oils of the Brazilian Santos coffee that make it all work.

Morning Coffee Biscuits (Shortbread Biscuits) - The Coffee Connect

 Custard Cream Biscuits

Fourth on the list has to be Custard Cream Biscuits. Like the bourbon biscuit, the custard cream is a flavoured cream sandwiched by two biscuits. The difference is that the flavoured cream is vanilla instead of chocolate. The biscuits are also a cream/vanilla flavour instead of chocolate. It's not uncommon to have both with a coffee.

The Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee will wake you up in the morning with its floral essence. The Ethiopian coffee is sweet, filled with flavour & the first coffee ever discovered! This makes it THE original coffee to go with THE original biscuit!

Chocolate Hobnobs

Chocolate hobnobs are golden & baked to perfection. It's very easy to eat half a pack of these addictive biscuits without even noticing. They are oaty & crunchy with a layer of chocolate giving them flavour & making them perfect for dunking in your coffee.

The perfect coffee to go along with this biscuit has to be the Old Brown Java Coffee. The flavours blend together perfectly when dunking your sweet chocolate hobnob biscuit in. The hints of spice along with the dark flavour of the coffee just balances out perfectly.

These biscuits & coffees were our top picks. However, we've not tried them all so if there's any biscuits or coffees we've missed don't hesitate to comment below! What is your faviroute coffee or morning biscuit or do you have a preferable combo? Let us know in the comments below. 

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